The intelligent Charger is a microprocessor controlled charger with single channel control. Every inserted rechargable battery can be controlled individually by a single display,
which shows: voltage, current, accumulated mAh, charging/discharging time and capacity in mAh at the end of test modus.
Every channel can be set with different modes (Charging, Discharging, Refresh, Test) and different charging / discharging capacity.
NiCd and NiMH
Selectable charge current 200 / 500 / 700 Ultra Fast Chargable Individually supervision of every Accu Microprocessor controlled, minus delta V (-dV) detection, automaticly switch to trickle charge
Overheat detection for protecting rechargable batteries
Discharge then Charge to remove memory effect
Special Accu Care Program for rechargeable batteries to activate tired Accus (by discharging and charging cycles)
Accu – Test in real figures
Capacity check in real figures at the end of test modus
Dimensions: 75 x 37 x 129mm
Input voltage for AC/DC Adapter: 100-240 VAC
Charge current (selectable): 200/ 500/ 700mA
Maximum charge capacity (capacity of the rechargeable batteries): 3000mAh
For NiCd, NiMH rechargeable batteries (AAA Micro, AA Mignon)
Note: Rechargeable batteries not included